Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cool App Sat - Hey Tell

The Hey Tell app is a voicemail text program. I know what you are thinking. I thought the same thing. When my BFF, Liddie, told me about this app the first I thing I said was, "Why? Wouldn't you just call?" lol

But, the answer to that is no!  Sometimes you just need to leave a quick message. The more I use it the more I love it.  It's most beneficial when I'm driving and we all know we aren't suppose to text and drive. The beauty of this app is you just hold down the record button,  say what you need to say (yes, it's limited amount of time) and then release the button. You are not taking your eyes off the road except for a few seconds.

I told one of my very good clients about this and she told EVERYONE. She especially loves it for her young son who isn't the best speller and would get frustrated texting.

I'll admit it... I am an avid texter and sometimes I just feel lazy and don't want to press all those darn buttons...

So give it a try and I promise you like it. :) Did I mention it was free?

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