Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Apartment hunting... Already?

Tomorrow my daughter and I are driving to Denton to apartment hunting. Didn't she just get accepted to UNT last week? Really? We need to go apartment hunting now? What if I pretend to be sick tomorrow and don't go? Will she stay with us and live at home and commute? lol

Ok, that's how I feel on the inside, but I'm truly excited for her. It's a big step, part of growing up and moving on with your life. I know when the kids were little I couldn't wait for the next step. You know. I can't wait for them to sit up so I can put them down in the grocery cart without having to bring in the carrier. I can't wait for them to walk so I don't have to carry them all the time. I can't wait until they are potty trained... Ok, we all want that step. That's not a fair statement.

So please don't be impatient. Enjoy every moment because before you know it, they are in college and moving out of the house. If I'm this upset about her going off to college can you imagine what I'm going to be like when she gets married? That poor photographer is going to have a lot of retouching to do, I'll be crying most of the time. She will no longer be my baby, she will be a wife, and then a mom. Oh man, I'm getting ahead of myself...   I'm doing it Again! Live in the moment and enjoy every minute of it.

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