Friday, April 26, 2013

The Enchanting Cara!

I had the pleasure to recently photograph the sweet and beautiful Cara. Doesn't she remind you of a young Christie Brinkley? She is that all American girl next door.

I've know Cara for several years now: I photographed her two older sibling's senior portraits, her family portrait, and I have photographed for her dad's company as well. I love developing relationships with families. I enjoy watching the kids grow into young adults and to capture it along the way.

We went for a fashion session with the fan in the hair and everything! lol It was difficult to narrow it down to just these few images. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Thank you Cara for being a wonderful model and trying anything I asked! Even my crazy elevator idea.

I'm looking forward to our next session together!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Finally! A healthy and delicious Cookie

If you follow my blog or know me then you know I'm kind of a health freak. Don't know where it developed from but... I have been on a health quest since I was in jr. high.

I'm always looking for good healthy junk food. Yes, I eat junk food just not your traditional junk food. Well, most of the time. Lol. I came across this recipe from one of my favorite cookbooks: Weight Watchers. Though, I tend to always "tweak" the recipe's. And, I have tried a lot of healthy recipe's that tasted awful! So now you know why I'm so thrilled to find this one.

The cookies are simply called, "Apple-Oatmeal Cookies". They are the bomb.  Two points if made as recipe suggests. Mine version is lower. They only contain 1/2 cup of brown sugar. The apple supplies the rest of the sugar. Yes, fruit is loaded with sugar.

Here is the recipe:

What I changed:

-I only used egg whites (to lower the calories)
-Gluten free rice flour instead of white flour
-No raisins, though I bet that would of been good
-I added about 2 tablespoons of PB2.
      I provided the link. (This dried peanut butter requires a whole blog post on its own. And, I prefer                              the chocolate flavor)

You can mix it up any way you like. My best suggestion is to double the recipe. You'll want more. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

WPPI 2013 Video

Funny how I just blogged about WPPI 2013 and today I received this video. The top photographer's in our industry talking about the importance of what we as photographers bring to the table. How family photographs impacts our life's, our memories forever. I couldn't have said it better myself.  It gave me goose bumps. I live and breath photography. It is so much more then clicking the shutter and taking pretty pictures to me.

I have these wonderful photographs of my dad when he was a kid and in WW2. Who would have  thought that when these images were taken in late 1920's or early 1930's and 1945 the impact it would have in 2013. My dad has passed and these photograph's bring me comfort. A glimpse of what my dad looked like as a young man. Wasn't he handsome?

Tony,  Stanley & Anna Sarganis
Stanley Sarganis 1945

Take a peek. It's only 2 minutes long. And, if you are a photographer you need to be there next year.
Did you see me walking in the trade show? Haha,  just kidding.

Monday, April 15, 2013

WPPI 2013

WPPI = Wedding Portrait Photography International Convention.  I know all non photographers were going to ask what is WPPI? This convention started in 1978 and is the Mother Ship of photography conventions. They draw crowds of around 12,000 photographers every year in Las Vegas. I have been attending for the last 15 years or so while only missing one year.

I love their trade shows, the biggest in the industry. It's the best way to discover what is new and exciting. A few years ago it was printing on metal, which I still love, this year it is printing on wood. I can't wait to receive my samples. And I love the wood blocks for a kids room.  I took this image straight from my new vendor's website. Love it!

This year my daughter, Cate, and her roommate, Kristen, attended with me. We had a blast together. Pretty different going dancing with my daughter at the clubs, but fun at the same time.

Me and my Sweet Girl,  Cate.

She also modeled for the very talented Michele Celentano for the Canon stage during the trade show.  Of course, they both rocked it being the professionals that they are.

Michele and Cate

Cate on the Big Screen

I also love catching up with old friends. These are two of my favorite blondes! lol Ok, it's just weird because 95% of my friends are brunettes.

Me, Judy, and Jennifer

After the convention Cate, Kristen, and I went exploring at the Casino's. They are just gorgeous!

Cesar's Palace
Our view from our room

Ventian! Love window displays.

Cate and Kristen

Can't wait to go back next year. And, my daughter has already told me, "I'm coming year every! This is so much fun." :)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Oh Shoes and More Shoes for Dandor Amor!

For any of you that follow my facebook or blog know I have been collecting shoes... Well, we did it! We collected about 300 pairs. Imagine, that's 300 people that now own their first pair of shoes. That's amazing and should put a big ole smile on your face to those that donated knowing that you had a part in it.

What is even more amazing to me is Travis Gugelman and Lori Nordstrom for starting this wonderful charity, Dandor Amor. Yes, two people can make a difference.  Please click on this link to read about their charity.

I was so excited when I received Travis' text saying he was pulling onto my street.  I couldn't wait to meet him and his family. The first thing I saw was his youngest son running out of the motor home running around in circles with no shoes on! lol  He was so excited to get out of the car and release some energy. Can't imagine planning a cross country trip. That is a lot of hours in the car.

                                  My collection!

Thank you to all that donated and deserve a shout out:

Cate Sarganis Fritz
Peri Sarganis
Victoria Mann
Sherrill Iniguez
Suzanne and James Cochrane
Kadena Tate
Patty Farmer
Kristine Leathers - and her family
Jackie Pendleton
Gail Patrice - she actually mailed me shoes from Sacramento, Ca :)
Melissa and Nathan Nakamura
Carey Zarate
Melissa Dudley Vaughan - she also collected shoes from her friends and family!

Off the shoes go to the orphanages.  That is me and Travis below.


I'm giving you fair warning... I'll be collecting again next year so please start saving your shoes for me now.  Pretty Please!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Love my Old Friends!

I love connecting with old friends and Facebook is wonderful for that. In fact, that is my favorite thing about Facebook. Well, I posted that I was home in Cali and my dear friend, Victoria, from my KTIM days contacted me asking if I was interested in getting together. Um, Yes! We had a great time catching up and breakfast lasted way longer than an hour.

She met me a few days later and I captured these beautiful images of  her. She looks GREAT! I'm jealous of her legs too!

She also generously bought me a big bag of shoes for Danor Amor's shoe drive to give the shoeless shoes.  Hope to see you again next time I'm in Cali. Thanks Victoria!