Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Happy 23rd Birthday to my Sweet Girl, Cate.

I can't believe it has already been a year since I blogged her 22nd birthday. Seems like just a couple months ago. lol

Well, today is her 23rd and we played around in the park across the street from my house this morning trying to capture a new headshot for her portfolio.  We only had time for a few quick shots and here is my favorite.

 July 2013
You have blossomed into a wonderful, caring, talented young adult. Love you sweet girl.  So happy you decided to come to Texas to celebrate your birthday. Always glad to have you home.

And for fun.... here are a few younger images of her.

July 2011 Her 21st!
July 2011 Her 21st!

I love how much of a goofball you are. I love that you are not afraid to have fun wherever  you may be and not care about people seeing you.  I took her to the liquor store on her birthday and she was grinning from ear to ear.

Sept 2011

August 2008 First day of School

My mom would always take a photo of me with all of my brothers on our first day of school and I have kept that tradition alive every year that the kids were in school. Love it. Thanks mom.

2002 Cate and Conner with their cousins, Sarah and Hannah

2008ish Cate with her Dad 

I love that you write me cute little notes on my desk for me to find. Makes me smile. I love that you still sleep with Elmo. I love that you skype me regularly. I love that you are an animal activist. I love you.
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!