Monday, August 1, 2011

One Person Can Make a Difference! - Thirst Relief International

I had the privilege of hearing Jim Davis-Hicks speak at my local photographer's guild meeting. This was about a month ago and it is still "with me":  his impact, his drive,  and his courage to under take such a huge project. I don't ever want to hear anyone ever again say one person can't make a difference, or I can't.  Because you can, he did! 

He is a very spiritual man and he shared his dream about water and that he was supposed to do something with water,  that God was talking to him. He started researching it and discovered the horrific water conditions in third world countries. Can you imagine not having clean safe drinking water.... ever?  Well, 1.1 BILLION people don't have access to clean water. He created Thirst Relief International and has impacted 197,087 lives so far!

Jim, consulted with engineers and they have come up with a bio sand filter: Dirty water goes in and clean drinking water comes out!  For only a $5 donation a person can have clean water for twenty five years. I find that amazing - only $5!  So, give up a latte and save a life!

There are three ways for you to help:
1 - Buy a tee shirt August 1st-8th at and $7 is directly donated to Thirst Relief!
2 - Sign up on their website to make a one time donation or set up regular monthly donations.
3 - Be on the look out for my joint fundraising events that I have scheduled where you may donate with me! 

So, what have you done lately?  Please join in me in this amazing organization and let's make it 197,088 lives.

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