Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Vegas, Baby!

This is my 7th or 8th year attending WPPI. (Wedding & Portrait Photographers International)

I couldn't imagine missing it. It is the largest convention with the biggest trade show for photographers. Plus, it's in VEGAS.

It was held at Bally's and Paris. It has gotten so big that they need to split it between the two hotels. This pic of Paris has an Infrared technique applied to it. The sky is turquoise and the water is a purple/ blue and I love it.

Here is Terrell at Work, demonstrating the New Canon Mark III camera at the trade show.

I can't believe we didn't get any group images this trip. There are about 6-7 of us that always hang out and we only got a couple of shots. Here is Terrell and Matthew.

We mostly took scenic and "texture" pics. Next year we will have to do better.

Okay, this is me being a goof ball. I had a mustache drawn on my finger so I could make people laugh during the convention. Just a little light humor.

Yes, we all had fun! And learned a lot. You can never stop learning...

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