Sunday, April 14, 2013

Oh Shoes and More Shoes for Dandor Amor!

For any of you that follow my facebook or blog know I have been collecting shoes... Well, we did it! We collected about 300 pairs. Imagine, that's 300 people that now own their first pair of shoes. That's amazing and should put a big ole smile on your face to those that donated knowing that you had a part in it.

What is even more amazing to me is Travis Gugelman and Lori Nordstrom for starting this wonderful charity, Dandor Amor. Yes, two people can make a difference.  Please click on this link to read about their charity.

I was so excited when I received Travis' text saying he was pulling onto my street.  I couldn't wait to meet him and his family. The first thing I saw was his youngest son running out of the motor home running around in circles with no shoes on! lol  He was so excited to get out of the car and release some energy. Can't imagine planning a cross country trip. That is a lot of hours in the car.

                                  My collection!

Thank you to all that donated and deserve a shout out:

Cate Sarganis Fritz
Peri Sarganis
Victoria Mann
Sherrill Iniguez
Suzanne and James Cochrane
Kadena Tate
Patty Farmer
Kristine Leathers - and her family
Jackie Pendleton
Gail Patrice - she actually mailed me shoes from Sacramento, Ca :)
Melissa and Nathan Nakamura
Carey Zarate
Melissa Dudley Vaughan - she also collected shoes from her friends and family!

Off the shoes go to the orphanages.  That is me and Travis below.


I'm giving you fair warning... I'll be collecting again next year so please start saving your shoes for me now.  Pretty Please!


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